Thursday, September 8, 2011

Aislin and Eilis vs. the wind

Chicago is the "windy city." I get it. But come on. It was so windy on Monday morning when we met Christine, Lon, Aislin and Eilis that I was afraid the girls would blow away! These guys were troupers, and as a result they let their hair down and had some genuine fun together. I especially love the moments Mike was able to capture of Lon and Christine while I was running around with the girls. And what a great location Christine chose for her family's session. Take note, clients: there is a treasure trove of amazing backdrop options on the corner of Thorndale and Sheridan. A very pretty park and garden, a fun (normally uncrowded) playground and an amazing stretch of beach. Thanks for hanging in there with us! It was great seeing you again.

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