Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Jen 3.0

I wasn't sure how I was going to feel today. Leaving my 20s behind and entering a new decade of life. If anything, I figured I would freak out. But I have to admit...I am strangely calm. (And, for anyone who knows me...that IS strange.) I am entering into my 30th year with no major regrets. (Not losing the 5-10 pounds I've been complaining about for the past 10 months, while scarfing nachos and pizza, doesn't count). Instead I feel a sense of accomplishment. I feel blessed and happy and content this morning. I didn't expect that exciting "fresh start" feeling, but here it is. Forcing me not to reminisce too much about the past, but also holding me back from wondering too much about the future. Perhaps it's a sign that I will finally feel more confident and comfortable in my 30s. That I will find the balance I've been searching for. To be able to live in the moment and enjoy the now. Maybe the next ten years will bring more answers than questions.

Those are my hopes for my 30s, anyway.

I've been admittedly negligent with my Gold Star posts for the past month or so (I blame this manic and merry holiday card season fully for that), but I thought I would check in today to give one big-old-fat Gold Star to my 20s. The decade that launched me from Denison into advertising into owning my own photography business. The years that allowed me and Mike to marry and build our own little family. To buy our first home. To travel the world. To move from Ohio to Michigan and to settle in Chicago, as we always dreamed of doing. What an amazing way to spend 10 years.


Becky said...

Happy Birthday, Jenny! Your 20s were amazing but I have a feeling your 30s are going to blow them away! You have a bright future head of you, sister. And you should believe me because I do have twin-speak after all ;) LOVE YOU!

Mike said...

Happy Birthday kiddo. I think you are right - things are just getting started. Looking forward to everything that comes next.

Medge said...

I hope the next decade brings everything that you have been dreaming about and more! Happy birthday, Jen Jen!

Love you,
