I talked my Mom into doing a cleanse diet with me this week. With the holiday pounds lingering stubbornly and my weekly craving for nachos raging, I needed some out-of-state support. The diet seemed simple enough and none-too-crazy: three days of berry smoothies, spinach salads, fish and broccoli. The most attractive aspect for us (aside from the promise of shedding poundage in a very short amount of time) was the fact that the meal prep times were minimal. (It's no surprise for anyone who knows my Mom where I get my tendency to avoid the kitchen at all costs. She's a great cook...but I think all of us Soares women would much rather eat than braise, broil, saute or sear). Despite the simplicity of the diet, we both agreed by the end of day three that if we ever saw a piece of fish (baked and lightly seasoned with lemon and pepper) again, it would be too soon. And we are of New England stock, people. This was serious. I, for one, was practically begging Mike to let me toss the fish down the garbage disposal and order a pizza for dinner. It was not my finest moment. This almost turned into a major black dot. But in the end, I am glad Mom and I both stayed strong. We did both lose weight and are now supposedly prepared to forge ahead with a healthy diet regiment and continue shrinking. Although all we really want to do is make a McDonalds run for french fries and sundaes. Somethings never change.
This week's gold stars go to:
*Willpower: Thanks, Medge, for doing this diet with me! It was fun to commiserate with you. Hopefully we won't completely undo everything we've accomplished this weekend. Nachos do sound good...
*My Jeans: Now that they fit properly again and my legs don't remind me of sausages when squeeze into them. Mmmm....sausage. And pancakes. I really feel like pancakes.
*Ladies who lunch: And, speaking of food, I'm so excited to spend the afternoon with my friend, Lachelle, and celebrate her birthday over something yummy. Happy BIG Birthday, friend! Mike and I are right there behind ya with that one...although you're handling it much more gracefully than I think I will