Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Our Little Logan

One of the best parts about this job is that Mike and I really get to know our clients. We see most of them every year, if not several times a year, and get to watch their families grow and change. By the end of our first shoot together, we all feel like old friends, and every time we schedule another hour together it's a great chance to catch up.

When Mike and I walked into Lincoln Park this Saturday morning and saw Logan, we couldn't believe it. Where was the cuddly baby that we first met on a breezy day on the beach last year? Who was this little boy standing in front of us in such an adorable grown-up outfit? Um, did he just say "Dada?!" It's safe to say we love this family and couldn't be more excited for their impending arrival later this year. Logan is going to make the best big brother imaginable and we can't wait to meet the next cuddly baby boy in just a few months. As always, thanks for a great time Jeff and Lisa! Take care of yourselves and good luck to you. Keep us posted!

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