Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A visit with Mia and Snickers

I have a family of animal lovers. We have always embraced our pets as family members. That inherent value is something I have always genuinely respected about my family. Recently, our family dog, Mia, fell seriously ill very suddenly. The situation was heartbreaking and consumed us all for several weeks. I'm pleased to report, though, that with the help of a few diligent veterinarians, my parents' sacrifice and round-the-clock care, sympathetic thoughts from friends and a lot of prayers, Mia is expected to make a somewhat miraculous full-recovery. Mike and I recently had the chance to spend a day at home with my parents, Mia and our extremely old (and somewhat frightening) family cat, Snickers. And, of course, I thought there's no better time for some updated portraits. I was surprised Nick allowed me to take as many as I did, but Mia's a real ham and is used to posing for the camera!

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