Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Jayhan and Layleh

It was the perfect way to kick off the day last Friday: a sunny fall morning in Weisman Park with my new friends Jayhan and Layleh. I don't think this brother and sister duo could get any cuter if they tried. Those curls, those cheeks, those sweet smiles...they had me at hello. I had a blast collecting rocks with Jay and getting Layleh to giggle. It was so nice meeting you, Farah and Praveen! Thanks for a great time.


Farah said...

Thank you so much Jen we love the pictures and will cherish them for years to come!

desensky said...

oh my beeeutiful Jayhan and Layleh.... adorable to the max.... really cute photos... good job Jen from one photographer to another.

desensky said...

not sure why it says Desensky but this is granny Mehta!