Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thankful: for never getting too old

As a kid, I could never sleep on Christmas Eve. Oh heck, who am I kidding. I still can't. I still wake up in the middle of the night, wide awake, with that excited tingle in my stomach. Every. Single. Year. Now, at 28-years-old, I groan when I look at the clock and notice it's only 4AM. But then I still smile, thinking of the gifts that are already, magically, under the tree, waiting for us to open. After all of these years, Mom and Dad still wait until we are asleep to sneak downstairs and lay out our presents. And, after all of these years, Becky and I (and now Mike!) love waking up early (it has to still be dark, or it doesn't count!) to peer over the banister to "see if Santa came."

So, as I post this third and final installment of our Thanksgiving family photo sessions, I am thankful to my mom and dad for keeping that magic alive for us. For always making the holidays so special. I already can't wait to come home again in just three weeks!

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